Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Home, Sweet Home!

I can hardly believe I haven't updated my blog in seven months, I'm really slacking off!  They certainly have been eventful months, bouncing from Budapest to southern France and Corsica, and ultimately back home to California where I'm writing this on a warm October day in Orange County.

My home town is Riverside, California, just outside Los Angeles, but I haven't actually lived there since I was eighteen years old. In fact, I rarely make it out there at all anymore, ever since my parents pulled up stakes and moved to closer to the coast in 1990. But last week, I had a good excuse to head over to my old stomping grounds.

A friend I hadn't seen in thirty years was in town, so I drove out and spent the day checking out my old high school and parts of the city.  It hadn't changed all that much.  Downtown there is the Riverside Mission Inn, which is an institution, and we enjoyed wandering around inside and checking it out.

If I ever end up needing to book a hotel in this city, I'll certainly stay here! After two months here in California, though, I head out tomorrow to return to my other home of Budapest, where I look forward to settling back in and catching up with friends.

On the writing side of things, I'm putting the finishing touches on Rome in Ruins and should have it out on schedule later this month. I'm excited to get it out there, I think this one is a fun story. It follows Nathan as he takes a job in Rome on the security detail for a famous Italian actress.  What could go wrong? Well, if you're Nathan Grant, plenty.  Three more weeks and the book will be out there in the world!

That's it for now, but take care and happy reading!